Just close your eyes.
You’re between Saint-André and Blaye.
About thirty kilometers from Bordeaux. In a picturesque region possible.
The hillsides offer their slopes covered with vines at midday. The sun lavishes them generously its rays. From the first light of day to the gentle warmth of the sunset.
Slowly and delicately, the clusters ripen in a temperate micro-climate while the subsoil, made up of hard and porous limestone, facilitates natural drainage.
This wine is made from organic grapes.
Now look.
The wines of this region have something to seduce the finest connoisseurs. Young, they are fleshy and vigorous in their superb purple dress. Older, with their beautiful tuiled colour, they are full-bodied and elegant… They deserve their place on your table. And you can even, without fear of disappointing, invite them for the big days.
Where to get them ?
Contact the owner directly.